Cheatsheet: Windows Forensics Analysis


During a Windows Forensics engagement, I occasionally find myself forgetting essential tasks or unintentionally skipping analyzing importants artifacts. Therefore, this checklist (along with cheatsheet) could help myself (or readers) and ensure that I adhere to a systematic workflow when conducting Windows Forensics.

Typical Forensic investigation flow


If you ask me the details on the acquisition and analysis part, here it is:

  1. Evidence acquisition ⇛ Disk, memory
  2. Live response, scanner and live forensics ⇛ Autoruns, process hacker, THOR or Loki, Inquisitor
  3. Memory forensics ⇛ MemProcFS, volatility
  4. Disk Image mounting ⇛ Mounting and Triage important artifact
  5. Persistence analysis ⇛ Autoruns location, registry, WMI, Scheduled Tasks
  6. Malware analysis ⇛ Static and Dynamic analysis
  7. Checking system information ⇛ Registry
  8. Root cause analysis ⇛ Logs, web, malware, file folder activity, exploit, email, executed file
  9. Lateral movement investigation ⇛ event log, executed file, registry, file system
  10. Timeline analysis ⇛ MFT, Logfile, UsnJ parsing
  11. File access artifacts ⇛ File sharing, MountPoints, USB
  12. Recovering deleted data ⇛ Recyclebin, MFT, VSS, File carving, Keyword search (Autopsy)
  13. Malware reverse engineering
  14. Writing report


Acquire artifact’s Tools

Tools Description
FTK Imager Disk Imaging
Magnet RAM Capturer Generate memory dump
KAPE Triage only selected important artifacts instead of the whole disk image
Inquisitor / FastIR Live analysis triage
Mandiant Redline Collect live and file’s data and produce analysis
External Hard disk To store the artifact acquisition
Velociraptor’s agent and server Remote forensics framework
EDD Check disk encryption

Forensic analysis tools

Tools Description
Arsenal Image Mounter Mounting image
Autopsy / FTK Imager Disk forensics
KAPE Triage artifact and parse artifact
Eric Zimmerman tools Artifact parser and viewer
Regripper Registry parser
Volatility Workbench / MemProcFS / MemProcFS-Analyzer Memory analysis tools
Event log explorer Event log viewer
Reg_hunter Hunt for malicious registry in live forensics
Other open/close source tools -

OS / Linux Distros

  1. Windows
  2. SIFT Linux
  3. Tsurugi Linux
  4. REMnux

Acquire artifacts

  1. Check disk encryption using EDD
  2. Perform disk imaging using FTK Imager
  3. Perform memory dump activity using Magnet RAM Capturer for example.
  4. Save all files in the external harddisk
  5. Optional:
    • Perform live analysis collection scanner such as Inquisitor
    • Scan the compromised using scanner such as THOR
    • Perform Registry scanner such as RegHunter
    • Perform memory scanner such as hollows_hunter or moneta
    • Perform persistent scanner such as PersistenceSniper or Trawler

KAPE cheatsheet

Basic command

# Target
.\kape.exe --tsource [DRIVE LETTER] --tdest [DESTINATION INCLUDE FOLDER NAME] --module [MODULE NAME] --gui
# Module
.\kape.exe --msource [DRIVE LETTER] --mdest [DESTINATION INCLUDE FOLDER NAME] --module [MODULE NAME] --gui


KAPE target extraction

.\kape.exe --tsource E: --tdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --target KapeTriage,MessagingClients,RemoteAdmin,ServerTriage,WebBrowsers,WebServers,WSL,MemoryFiles --gui

Module: Live Response

Memory dump

.\kape.exe --msource C:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module MagnetForensics_RAMCapture --gui

Live response command and scanner

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module PowerShell_Get-InjectedThread,PowerShell_Get-NetworkConnection,PowerShell_Netscan,PowerShell_Signed,SIDR_WindowsIndexSearchParser,WIFIPassView,MagnetForensics_EDD,Nirsoft_BluetoothView,Nirsoft_LastActivityView,Nirsoft_OpenedFilesView,NirSoft_USBDeview,NirSoft_VideoCacheView,NirSoft_WebBrowserPassView,Nirsoft_WhatInStartup,Nirsoft_WifiHistoryView,Nirsoft_WirelessKeyView,SysInternals_Autoruns,SysInternals_Handle,SysInternals_PsFile,SysInternals_PsInfo,SysInternals_PsList,SysInternals_PsLoggedOn,SysInternals_PsService,SysInternals_PsTree,SysInternals_Tcpvcon,Powrshell_LiveResponse_SystemInfo,PowerShell_Arp_Cache_Extraction,PowerShell_Bitlocker_Key_Extraction,PowerShell_Bitlocker_Status,PowerShell_Defender_Exclusions,PowerShell_DLL_List,PowerShell_Dns_Cache,PowerShell_Local_Group_List,PowerShell_LocalAdmin,PowerShell_NamedPipes,PowerShell_NetUserAdministrators,PowerShell_Network_Configuration,PowerShell_Network_Connections_Status,PowerShell_Network_Share,PowerShell_Process_Cmdline,PowerShell_ProcessList_CimInstance,PowerShell_ProcessList_WMI,PowerShell_Services_List,PowerShell_SMBMapping,PowerShell_SMBOpenFile,PowerShell_SMBSession,PowerShell_Startup_Commands,PowerShell_User_List,PowerShell_WMIRepositoryAuditing,Windows_ARPCache,Windows_DNSCache,Windows_GpResult,Windows_IPConfig,Windows_MsInfo,Windows_nbtstat_NetBIOSCache,Windows_nbtstat_NetBIOSSessions,Windows_Net_Accounts,Windows_Net_File,Windows_Net_LocalGroup,Windows_Net_Session,Windows_Net_Share,Windows_Net_Start,Windows_Net_Use,Windows_Net_User,Windows_netsh_portproxy,Windows_NetStat,Windows_qwinsta_RDPSessions,Windows_RoutingTable,Windows_schtasks,Windows_SystemInfo,Reghunter,hasherezade_HollowsHunter --gui

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module Thor-Lite_Upgrade,Thor-Lite_Scan --gui

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module Loki_LiveResponse --gui

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module hasherezade_HollowsHunter --gui

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\%m --module MagnetForensics_RAMCapture --gui

Module: Parsing and scanning

All in one artifact parsing

Warning: Super slow!

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module Loki_Scan,DensityScout,BackstageParser,BitsParser,CCMRUAFinder_RecentlyUsedApps,Chainsaw,DeepblueCLI,DHParser,EvtxHussar,hasherezade_HollowsHunter,INDXRipper,LevelDBDumper,OneDriveExplorer,PowerShell_Get-ChainsawSigmaRules,TeamsParser,ThumbCacheViewer,WMI-Parser,Zircolite_Scan,Zircolite_Update,LogParser_ApacheAccessLogs,LogParser_DetailedNetworkShareAccess,LogParser_LogonLogoffEvents,LogParser_RDPUsageEvents,LogParser_SMBServerAnonymousLogons,Nirsoft_AlternateStreamView,NirSoft_BrowsingHistoryView,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_AllEventLogs,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_Application,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_PowerShell-Operational,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_PrintService-Operational,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_ScheduledTasks,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_Security,NirSoft_FullEventLogView_System,NirSoft_TurnedOnTimesView,NirSoft_WebBrowserDownloads,Nirsoft_WinLogonView,SysInternals_SigCheck,TZWorks_CAFAE_Registry_System,Events-Ripper,Hayabusa,LogParser,MFTECmd,NTFSLogTracker,RECmd_AllBatchFiles,Reghunter,RegRipper,AmcacheParser,AppCompatCacheParser,EvtxECmd,EvtxECmd_RDP,iisGeoLocate,JLECmd,LECmd,PECmd,RBCmd,RecentFileCacheParser,SBECmd,SQLECmd,SQLECmd_Hunt,SrumECmd,SumECmd,WxTCmd,Sync_EvtxECmd,Sync_KAPE,Sync_RECmd,Sync_SQLECmd,Windows_ManageBDE_BitLockerKeys,Windows_ManageBDE_BitLockerStatus --gui

Event log / log scanning and parsing

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module !!ToolSync,PowerShell_Get-ChainsawSigmaRule,Chainsaw,DeepblueCLI,EvtxHussar,Zircolite_Update,Zircolite_Scan,Events-Ripper,hayabusa_EventStatistics,hayabusa_OfflineEventLogs,hayabusa_OfflineLogonSummary,hayabusa_UpdateRules,EvtxECmd,EvtxECmd_RDP,LogParser,iisGeoLocate

Program Execution

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module CCMRUAFinder_RecentlyUsedApps,AmcacheParser,AppCompatCacheParser,PECmd,RecentFileCacheParser --gui

File folder activity

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module BackstageParser,OneDriveExplorer,ThumbCacheViewer,JLECmd,LECmd,RBCmd,SBECmd,WxTCmd --gui

NTFS and FileSystem parsing

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module !!ToolSync,INDXRipper,MFTECmd,NTFSLogTracker,RegRipper,RECmd_AllBatchFiles --gui

System activity

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module SRUMDump,WMI-Parser,RECmd_AllBatchFiles,SrumECmd,SumECmd --gui

Mounted image scanner

.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module Loki_Scan --gui
.\kape.exe --msource E:\ --mdest D:\KAPE_cases\ --module DensityScout --gui

Analysis Findings

First, create a spreadsheet that will be the main documentation of your findings especially for Timeline. Include few relavant aspects in the spreadsheet such as:

  1. Artifact type
  2. Findings
  3. Location of artifact
  4. Created
  5. Accessed
  6. Modified
  7. Notes / Payload

Live Forensics

  1. Check all the results of the script collection (Inquisitor / Kansa / FastIR)

Memory analysis

  1. Tool used: Volatility, MemProcFS, MemProcFS-Analyzer
  2. Check network connection (netstat, netscan)
  3. Check process list (pslist, pstree, psscan, cmdline)
  4. Check injected process, dll injection (malfind, dlllist)
  5. Dump malicious process (dumpfiles –pid PID)
  6. Volatilit3 command: python3 -f <memdump> <plugin name>
  7. MemProcFS command: memprocfs.exe -device D:\mem.raw -forensic 1
  8. MemProcFS-Analyzer: .\MemProcFS-Analyzer.ps1

Disk analysis

Mount image

  1. Perform KAPE execution on the mounted drive using “KAPE triage” module to extract important artifacts.
  2. Run malware scanner on the mounted drive (Loki scanner, THOR scanner, AV scanner, Densityscout)
  3. Perform data recovery on the mounted drive using Photorec
  4. Check any shadow copy, view it in Shadow Explorer


  1. Attach disk in Autopsy
  2. Run ingest module “Recent activity” and “Keyword search”
  3. Check Data artifacts in Autopsy, record all interesting findings
  4. Check file and folder (Access time, and created time)
  5. View Timeline Analysis in Autopsy
  6. Search any interesting keywords

Windows event logs analysis

  1. Located at C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs
  2. Perform event log scanner
  3. Manually view in Event Log Explorer

Interesting log sources

Log sources Context
Security.evtx Security-related events
System.evtx Tracks system component events
Application.evtx Logs application-specific events
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational.evtx Enhanced process, network, and file monitoring
Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/4Operational.evtx Records PowerShell activity
Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational.evtx Logs Windows Defender events
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/4Operational.evtx Logs WMI events
Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational.evtx Logs RDP session events
Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational.evtx Logs RDP session events
Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational.evtx Logs Task Scheduler events
Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Server%4Operational.evtx Active Directory Server Logs
Directory Service.evtx Active Directory Server Logs
File Replication Service.evtx Active Directory Server Logs
%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles IIS log
%SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR IIS log
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging Exchange log
Panther*.log Windows setup details
RPC Client Access*.log Exchange Server, if applicable
Third party antivirus log AV logs

Event log scanner

Tools Commands
Hayabusa hayabusa.exe update-rules and hayabusa.exe csv-timeline -d ..\Logs -p verbose -o results.csv
DeepBlueCLI .\DeepBlue.ps1 -log security
Chainsaw chainsaw.exe hunt evtx_logs/ -s sigma/ --mapping mappings/sigma-event-logs-all.yml -r rules/ --csv --output results
Zircolite zircolite_win10.exe --evtx ../Logs
APT-Hunter APT-Hunter.exe -p ..\Logs -o Foldername -allreport
EVTXHussar EvtxHussar.exe C:\evtx_compromised_machine -o C:\evtxhussar_results
Rhaegal rhaegal.exe -lp ..\Logs -rp rules -n 100 -o output.csv

Important Security Event IDs

IDs Event log Context
4624 Security Successful Login
4625 Security Failed Login
4634/4647 Security User Initiated Logoff/An Account was Logged Off
4648 Security A Logon was Attempted Using Explicit Credentials
4662 Security An Operation was Performed on an Object
4663 Security An Attempt was Made to Access an Object
4672 Security Special Logon
4688 Security Process Creation
4689 Security Process Termination
4697 Security Service Installed
4698/4702/4700 Security Scheduled Task Created or Updated
4699 Security Scheduled Task Deleted
4701 Security Scheduled Task Enabled
4702 Security Service Removed
4720 Security A User Account was Created
4722 Security A User Account was Enabled
4723 Security An Attempt was Made to Change an Account’s Password
4724 Security An Attempt was Made to Reset an Account’s Password
4725 Security A User Account was Disabled
4726 Security A User Account was Deleted
4728 Security A Member was Added to a Security-Enabled Global Group
4729 Security A Member was Removed from a Security-Enabled Global Group
4732 Security A Security-Enabled Local Group was Created
4733 Security A Security-Enabled Local Group was Changed
4734 Security A Security-Enabled Local Group was Deleted
4741 Security A Computer Account was Created
4742 Security A Computer Account was Changed
4768 Security (DC) Kerberos TGT request
4769 Security (DC) Kerberos Service Ticket request
4771 Security Locked Out Account
4776 Security NTLM authentication
4778 Security Session Reconnected
4779 Security Session Disconnected by User
4794 Security An Attempt was Made to Set the Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password
5136 Security Directory Service Changes
5140 Security A Network Share Object was Accessed
5141 Security A Directory Service Object was Deleted
5145 Security Network Share Object was Checked
5376 Security Credential Manager Credentials Submitted
5377 Security Credential Manager Credentials Auto-Logon
1102 Security Event Log Cleared
1100 Security Event Log Service Shutdown

Logon type corresponding to Succesfull (4624) or Failed logins (4625)

Logon Type Explanation
2 Logon via console
3 Network Logon. A user or computer logged on to this computer from the network
4 Batch Logon (Task scheduler and AT)
5 Windows Service logon
7 Credentials used to unlock screen
8 Network logon sending credentials (cleartext)
9 Different credentials used than logon user
10 Remote Interactive logon (RDP)
11 Cached credentials used to logon
12 Cached remote interactive (RDP)
13 Cached Unlock (Similar to logon type 7)

Other’s log important Event IDs

IDs Event log Context
7045 System Service installed
7034 System The service terminated unexpectedly
7035 System Service Control Manager
7036 System Service State Change
7040 System Service was changed from disabled to auto start.
7001 System Service Start Failed
1001 System BSOD
6005 System Start-up time of the machine
6006 System Shutdown time of the machine
104 System Log cleared
59 MicrosoftWindows Bits Client/operational Bits Jobs
2004 Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Rule has been added to the Window Firewall exception list
2006 Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Deleted firewall rule
1116 Microsoft Windows Windows Defender/Operational Defender Antivirus has detected malware
1117 Microsoft Windows Windows Defender/Operational Action taken
1006 Microsoft Windows Windows Defender/Operational Scan result
4103 Microsoft Windows PowerShell/Operational Module logging
4104 Microsoft Windows PowerShell/Operational Script Block Logging
4105 Microsoft Windows PowerShell/Operational Transcription Logging
4688 Microsoft Windows PowerShell/Operational Process Creation (including PowerShell processes)
400 Windows PowerShell Start of a PowerShell activity, whether local or remote.
403 Windows PowerShell Completion of a PowerShell activity
800 Windows PowerShell Pipeline execution
1000 Application Application Error/crash
1001 Application Application Error reporting
1002 Application Application Hang
1024 Application Software Installation
1040 Application User Initiated Software Installation
1033 Application Software installed
1034 Application Windows Installer removed the product
11707 Application Installation operation completed successfully
11708 Application Installation failed
11724 Application Installation completed successfully
1 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational Process Creation
2 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational A process changed a file creation time
3 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational Network connection detected
6 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational Driver Loaded
7 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational Image Loaded
8 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational CreateRemoteThread
10 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational ProcessAccess
11 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational FileCreate
12 Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)
1149 Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational RDP User authentication succeeded
21 Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational RDP Session logon succeeded
24 Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational RDP Session has been disconnected
25 Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%4Operational RDP Session reconnection succeeded
131 RDPCoreTS RDP connection is first established
106 Task Scheduler New scheduled task is created
140 Task Scheduler New scheduled task is created
141 Task Scheduler User deleted Task Scheduler task
200 Task Scheduler Task executed
201 Task Scheduler Task scheduler successfully completed the task
5857 WMI-Activity Operational WMI activity is detected
5858 WMI-Activity Operational WMI error
5859 WMI-Activity Operational Subscription-based activity
5860 WMI-Activity Operational Detailed subscription-based activity
5861 WMI-Activity Operational Permanent subscription activity

Event ID KB: and

Triage artifacts parsing and analysis

File Records

MFT Attributes:

  2. $FILE_NAME ($FN)
  3. $DATA
  4. $EA (Extended Attributes)
Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
MFT C:\ MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeMFT" --csv "c:\temp\out" --csvf MyOutputFile.csv
UsnJrnl C:\$Extend MFTECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\SomeJ" --csv "c:\temp\out" --csvf MyOutputFile.csv

Other useful tools:

  1. Parse $MFT files and summarize those information
  2. MFTRCRD: MFT record decoder for online filesystem
  3. Mft2Csv: Parse $MFT files and raw disk images. It can extract resident files from $MFT.
  4. Fte: Parse MFT and INDX
  5. MFTCarver: Can recover old MFT entries that are not listed in current MFT
  6. Bulk Extractor: Contains scanner plug-ins for records of $MFT, $LogFile, $UsnJrnl:$J, $INDEX_ALLOCATION, and utmp structure.
  7. NTFS Log Tracker: Parses $Logfile and $UsnJrnl:$J
  8. USN Analytics: Parse records of $UsnJrnl that were extracted by BE
  9. Indx2Csv: Parse for INDX
  10. INDXParse: Parses a single $I30
  11. IndxCarver: Can recover old INDX records to get information about deleted files and folders

Follow Windows Time Rules below:

image Credit: SANS Windows Forensic Analysis Poster (

System and user Information (via Registry)

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Operating System Version SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion Registry Explorer
System Boot & Autostart Programs Run registries Registry Explorer
Computer Name SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName Registry Explorer
System Last Shutdown Time SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows Registry Explorer
Cloud Account Details SAM\Domains\Account\Users\<RID>\InternetUserName Registry Explorer
User Accounts SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList Registry Explorer
Last Login and Password Change SAM\Domains\Account\Users Registry Explorer

Application Execution

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Shimcache SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\AppCompatCache RegRipper
Amcache.hve C:\Windows\AppCompat\Programs\Amcache.hve Registry Explorer
UserAssist NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\UserAssist\ Registry Explorer
Win10 Timeline C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ConnectedDevicesPlatform\L.Administrator\ActivitiesCache.db WxTCmd.exe -f "ActivitiesCache.db" --csv D:\Hands-On
SRUM C:\Windows\System32\sru\SRUDB.dat srum-dump
BAM / DAM SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\bam\State\UserSettings\ Registry Explorer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\prefetch PECmd.exe -d D:\Windows\Prefetch, MFT, USNJ--csv "D:\Hands-On" --csvf prefetch.csv or WinPrefetch, MFT, USNJ
Task Bar Feature Usage NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FeatureUsage Registry Explorer
Jumplist C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations Jumplist Explorer
Last Visited MRU NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU RegRipper
CapabilityAccessManager NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CapabilityAccessManager\ConsentStore Registry Explorer
Commands Executed in the Run Dialog NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU Registry Explorer
Services System\CurrentControlSet\Services Registry Explorer

File and Folder Opening

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Shellbag NTUSER.dat\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags Shellbags Explorer
Open/Save MRU NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePIDlMRU Registry Explorer
Shortcut (LNK) Files %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows|Office\Recent\ Autopsy
Jumplist C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations Jumplist Explorer
Recent Files NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs Registry Explorer
Office Recent Files NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Office\<Version>\<AppName> Registry Explorer
Office Trust Records NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Offi ce\<Version>\<AppName>\Security\Trusted Documents\TrustRecords Registry Explorer
MS Word Reading Locations NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Offi ce\<Version>\Word\Reading Locations Registry Explorer
Office OAlerts OAlerts.evtx Event log explorer
Last Visited MRU NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU Registry Explorer
Internet Explorer file:/// %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV*.dat Text Editor

Deleted Items and File Existence

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Recycle Bin C:\$Recycle.Bin Recbin
Thumbcache %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer Thumbcache Viewer
User Typed Paths NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TypedPaths Registry Explorer
Search – WordWheelQuery NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WordWheelQuery Registry Explorer
Internet Explorer file:/// %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV*.dat Text Editor
Windows Search Database C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb LostPassword’s Search Index Examiner

Browser activity

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Browser activity C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\\Roaming\BrowserName DBBrowser

Network Usage

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Network History SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network* Registry Explorer
Timezone SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation Registry Explorer
WLAN Event Log Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig Operational.evtx Event log viewer
Network Interfaces SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces Registry Explorer
SRUM C:\Windows\System32\sru\SRUDB.dat srum-dump

USB Usage

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
USB Device Identification SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\* Registry Explorer
Drive Letter and Volume Name SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Portable Devices\Devices and SYSTEM\MountedDevices Registry Explorer
User Information SYSTEM\MountedDevices and NTUSER.DAT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2 Registry Explorer
Connection Timestamps SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_&Prod_\USBSerial Registry Explorer
Volume Serial Number (VSN) SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\EMDMgmt Registry Explorer
Shortcut (LNK) Files %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\\Office\Recent\ Autopsy
Event Logs System.evtx Event log viewer

AntiVirus logs

Filesystem Location
Avast C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\
AVG C:\ProgramData\AVG\Antivirus\
Avira C:\ProgramData\Avira\Antivirus\LOGFILES\
Bitdefender C:\Program Files*\Bitdefender*\
ESET C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\Logs\
F-Secure C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Log\ or C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\F-Secure\Log\
McAfee C:\ProgramData\McAfee\*
Sophos C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos *\Logs\
Trend Micro C:\ProgramData\Trend Micro\ or C:\Program Files*\Trend Micro\
Symantec C:\ProgramData\Symantec\ or C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Symantec\
WinDefender C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\* or C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft AntiMalware\Support\ or MpCmdRun.log

Another good reference:

Other Artifacts

Filesystem Location Tools or Commands
Task Scheduler SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks or \Windows\Tasks or Windows\System32\Tasks Registry Explorer
Startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Autopsy
Startup folder user C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Autopsy
Shadow copy - Shadow Explorer
hiberfil.sys C:\ Hibernation Recon
pagefile.sys C:\ strings
Unalloc file - Autopsy
Anydesk C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\AnyDesk\* or C:\ProgramData\AnyDesk\* Autopsy
WMI persistence C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\OBJECTS.DATA WMI_Forensics
WMI persistence C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA WMI_Forensics
RDP Cache C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData/Local/Microsoft/Terminal Server Client/Cache BMC-Tools


  • Command to parse all registry in a folder using Regripper
    cd folder_containing_all_registries
    for /r %i in (*) do (C:\RegRipper3.0\rip.exe -r %i -a > %i.txt)
  • USB usage also can be investigate using “USB Detective Community Edition”
  • Nirsoft software might have a good tool for viewing your artifacts
  • Reghunter command on the live system: reg_hunter --all -z --outfile reg_hunter_result.txt

Lateral Movement Detection and Investigation

Detail information refer:

Typically lateral movement will involve with (depend on the attacker TTP):

  1. Credential harvesting
  2. File sharing
  3. Remote login
  4. AD enumeration
  5. Remote execution
  6. Pass-the-hash/ticket
  7. Privilege Escalation
  8. Golden/Silver Ticket
  9. User creation
  10. Deleting evidence

Below list shows the sum up of the information in the above reference but focusing only on standard setting and configuration of Windows.

1. Credential harvesting

  • Analysts can rely on the Prefetch, MFT, USNJartifact for standard settings on the host computer.
  • Various password dump tools that utilize PowerShell can be found in:
    • Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational
    • C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt

2. File sharing

Windows Admin share (net use)

Commonly for transfering their tools and malware. Or can be abuse for exfiltrate data.

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
SMBClient-Security 31001 Source
Security 4624, 4672, 4776, 4768, 4769, 5140, 5145 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ and C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Source
Jumplist C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ Source
USNJ or MFT Created file Source
Registry Findings Computer
User Profile (NTUSER.DAT) NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2 Source
USRCLASS.dat Shellbags (Remote folders accessed) Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) net.exe and net1.exe Source
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) Last time executed net.exe and net1.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of net.exe and net1.exe Source

3. Remote login

Attacker might utilizes the remote login feature such as RDP, VNC, external software or SSH to login remotely


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
RDPClient Operational 1024, 1025, 1026, 1102 Source
Security 4624 (logon type 10 or 12), 4778, 4779 Destination
RDPCoreTS Operational 131, 98, 99 Destination
RemoteConnection Manager Operational 1149 Destination
RemoteConnection Manager Admin 1158 Destination
LocalSession Manager Operational 21, 23, 24, 25, 41 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Source
Jumplist C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ (MSTSC-APPID-automaticDestinations-ms) Source
Bitmap Cache C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache\* Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ and C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Destination
Registry Findings Computer
User Profile (NTUSER.DAT) NTUSER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) mstsc.exe Source
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) Last Execution time of mstsc.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of mstsc.exe Source
UserAssist (NTUSER.dat) Last Execution time and Numbers of Times of mstsc.exe Source
RecentApps (NTUSER.DAT) Last Execution time and Numbers of Times of mstsc.exe Source
ShimCache (SYSTEM) rdpclip.exe and tstheme.exe Destination
AmCache.hve rdpclip.exe and tstheme.exe Destination

Remote tools software

  • Check for any installation, files of remote tools or services
  • List of remote administaration tool can be refer here: and
  • Identify the software installed and running processes. Oftenly it has agent running.
  • Investigate the logs.


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4624,4625,4688, 5154 Destination
System 10016 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\[SSH executable] Destination
Registry Findings Computer
User Profile (NTUSER.DAT) Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys Destination

Remote Execution

Pass-The-Hash-Ticket (WCE)

Event Log Event ID Computer
System 7045, 7036 (WCESERVICE) Source
Security 4624, 4634 Destination
Security 4776, 4771, 5156 DC
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\[Tool name] Source
USNJ wceaux.dll` Source

Pass-The-Hash-Ticket (Mimikatz)

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4624, 4672, 4634 Destination
Security 4776, 4771, 5156, 4769 DC
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\[Tool name] Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\WMIC.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Source


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
Security 4624 (Logon type 3 or 2), 4672, 5140 Destination
System 7045, 7036 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\[Executable File Name of Tool]-[RANDOM].pf Source
MFT, USNJ psexec.exe executable Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Destination
C:\Windows psexesvc.exe or renamed executable Destination
Registry Findings Computer
User Profile (NTUSER.DAT) NTUSER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\PsExec\EulaAccepted Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) psexec.exe Source
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) Last execution time ofpsexec.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of psexec.exe Source
SYSTEM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PSEXESVC Destination
Shimcache (SYSTEM) psexecsvc.exe Destination
Amcache.hve First Execution time of psexecsvc.exe Destination

Memory analysis, find this pipe in the processes:


Remote Services

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4624 (Logon type 3), 4697 Destination
System 7034, 7035, 7036, 7040, 7045 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Destination
File disk Creation of evil.exe or dll Destination
Registry Findings Computer
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) sc.exe Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) sc.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of sc.exe Source
SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Services\ Destination
Shimcache (SYSTEM) evil.exe Destination
Amcache.hve First Execution time of evil.exe Destination

Scheduled Task

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
Security 4672, 4624, 4698, 4702, 4699, 4700, 4701 Destination
Task scheduler Operational 106, 140, 141, 200, 201 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\SCHTASKS.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\at.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\TASKENG.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Destination
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\evil.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Destination
Job files C:\Windows\Tasks Destination
Task files C:\Wmdows\System32\Tasks Destination
Registry Findings Computer
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) at.exe and schtasks.exe Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) at.exe and schtasks.exe Source
Amcache.hve at.exe and schtasks.exe Source
Shimcache (SYSTEM) evil.exe Destination
Amcache.hve First Execution time of evil.exe Destination
SYSTEM HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\* Destination


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
Security 4624, 4672 Destination
WMI Activity Operational 5857,5860,5861 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\WMIC.EXE-[RANDOM].pf Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\evil.exe-[RANDOM].pf Destination
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\scrcons.exe-[RANDOM].pf Destination
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\mofcomp.exe-[RANDOM].pf Destination
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\wmiprvse.exe-[RANDOM].pf Destination
WMI repository C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository Destination
File creation evil.exe or evil.mof Destination
Registry Findings Computer
Shimcache (SYSTEM) Wmic.exe Source
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) Wmic.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of Wmic.exe Source
ShimCache (SYSTEM) scrcons.exe, mofcomp.exe, wmiprvse.exe, evil.exe Destination
AmCache.hve scrcons.exe, mofcomp.exe, wmiprvse.exe, evil.exe Destination

WinRM and Powershell

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4648 Source
WinRM Operational 6,8,15,16,33 Source
Powershell Operational 40691, 40692, 8193, 8194, 8197 Source
Security 4624, 4672 Destination
Powershell Operational 4103, 4104, 53504 Destination
Powershell 400, 403, 800 Destination
WinRM 91, 168 Destination
Filesystem Location Computer
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Source
Conmand history C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt Source
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Destination
Prefetch, MFT, USNJ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ Destination
Registry Findings Computer
Shimcache (SYSTEM) Powershell.exe Source
BAM/DAM (SYSTEM) Powershell.exe Source
Amcache.hve First Execution time of Powershell.exe Source
ShimCache (SYSTEM) wsmprovhost.exe and evil.exe Destination
SOFTWARE Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.Powershell\ExecutionPolicy Destination
AmCache.hve wsmprovhost.exe and evil.exe Destination


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4688,4624,4656,5140,5142,5143,5144,5145 Source
SMB Server Operational 4100,4103,4104,800,4104,40961,40962 Source


Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4624,4662, 4688, 4697, 4698, 4702 Destination

File Transfer

Event Log Event ID Computer
Security 4688 Destination
Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/ Operational 4103, 4104 Destination
